Letter to the Editor

Why is this the most important election in our nation’s history?


Let’s look at some of the new laws in Minnesota. Our current trifecta (meaning all three branches of government in Minnesota) is held by a one vote Democrat majority. Before the trifecta came on the scene in 2023, Minnesota had around a $19 billion surplus. That is now gone. Plus an additional 40 % increase in spending (your taxes) is now in the 2025 budget.

The trifecta has passed the largest spending package for schools. Yet our Districts remain in financial crisis. Why? The over 60 new mandates restricting and directing those education funds certainly have a part to play. These last 2 years we have seen an increase in central State control in multiple areas of life and business. Instead of a "one box fits all" approach we should empower our school boards to listen to the community and make decisions that reflect the needs and goals of the district.

The one party legislation also enacted

- Tax funded college to anyone, citizen or not, who's family makes under $80,000

- legalized at-will termination of pregnancy for any reason at any time,

- gaged councilors by mandating them to only affirm gender transformation instead of a allowing a conversation and a wholistic approach,

- restrictions from collecting and using the thermal energy created when burning trash,

- created a brand-new payroll tax that socializes paid family and sick leave through a public option

These are just a few of the extreme stances taken last cycle. What has happened in MN should be a warning sign to all voters of what will happen to the U.S. should the same party continue in power.

THIS is why I will be voting Republican down ticket this year.

This is the most important election in our nation’s history!

Everyone needs to take a stand and vote!!

*Opinions expressed in Letters to the Editor are not necessarily those of The Messenger.