City of Wanamingo Regular EDA Meeting - August 12, 2024


City of Wanamingo

Regular EDA Meeting

Monday August 12, 2024

6:00 P.M.

Wanamingo City Council Chambers

401 Main Street

Wanamingo MN

PRESENT: Brian Gudknecht, Ryan Holmes, Laurie Musselman, and Josh Schaefer

ABSENT: Annette Fritz, Becky Haugen, and Jim Kittelson

ALSO PRESENT: Michael Boulton.

Brian Gudknecht called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

Pledge of Allegiance followed.

ADOPT AGENDA: Holmes motioned, seconded by Schaefer to adopt. Approved 4-0-0.

CONSENT AGENDA: Schaefer motioned, seconded by Musselman to approve. Approved 4-0-0.



Resolution 24-06 - Adopting a Proposed Budget for the Wanamingo EDA Accounts for the Fiscal Year of 2025. Schaefer moved to approve, seconded by Musselman. Administrator Boulton provided an update of 2025 proposed changes to the income and expenses for account numbers 251, 206, 331, and 604. Discussion took place on the budgetary needs of the EDA in conjunction with the proposed 2025 City Levy. A detailed preliminary 2025 City of Wanamingo budget memo, that included the EDA accounts, was presented by Administrator Boulton. Passed 4-0-0.


Administrator Boulton updated the EDA on Emerald Valley II Addition development. City Staff are working with Jon Whitcomb of Metro East Commercial Real Estate Servies on a development agreement and plans to complete the necessary infrastructure for roughly 50 residential parcels. The developer plans to complete the necessary infrastructure and work with the remaining parcel owners on both right of entry and contributions toward the development costs. The City consulting engineer, Brandon Theobald of WHKS, is close to recommending approval of plans submitted and revised by the developer’s engineer. Julie Eddington, City attorney of Kennedy & Graven, has put together a development agreement and made revisions based upon recommendations from the City engineer and requests from the developer. The developer plans to go to bids this fall for contractors.

There being no further business Schaefer made a motion seconded by Musselman to adjourn the EDA meeting at 6:39PM. Approved 4-0-0.

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Brian Gudknecht, President Michael Boulton, Director