Wanamingo EDA Meeting - April 8, 2024


City of Wanamingo

Regular EDA Meeting

Monday April 8, 2024

6:00 P.M.

Wanamingo City Council Chambers

401 Main Street

Wanamingo MN

PRESENT: Brian Gudknecht, Rebecca Haugen, Ryan Holmes, Jim Kittelson, Annette Fritz, and Laurie Musselman

ABSENT: Josh Schaefer

ALSO PRESENT: Michael Boulton, Barney Nesseth, Brad Kennedy, and Andrew Deziel – Kenyon Leader

Brian Gudknecht called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

Pledge of Allegiance followed.

ADOPT AGENDA: Haugen motioned, seconded by Kittelson to adopt. Approved 6-0-0.

CONSENT AGENDA: Musselman motioned, seconded by Haugen to approve. Approved 6-0-0.


Barney Nesseth brought up again, the EDA owned parcel number 70.210.0050 on Mill Street. In September 2020 Barney Nesseth and the EDA signed a purchase agreement on the parcel for $30,700. Nesseth did not follow through with the purchase due to increased costs of construction for the proposed small houses in the plan that had been presented to the EDA. Nesseth is looking again at the property for development. Nesseth has concerns with the west side of the property having nearly a 6’ increase in elevation from the street. There would be potential driveway issue with the slope. Nesseth brought up the Xcel Energy power pole location along with the 60’ utility and alley easement on the back side of the property as concerns. Kittelson asked if the easement could be partially or fully abandoned. Boulton stated that there are utilities within the easement that make it difficult to abandon. Nesseth stated that one set of townhomes/apartments could be constructed on the east side of the property before running into elevation issues. A second smaller set could be constructed, but access would be needed for a driveway before the elevation change. Nesseth had plans for either 24’ x 24’ apartments or 36’ x 38 duplexes. Nesseth stated that there is a need to short-term rentals but does not intend to be a landlord with the property. Nesseth stated that City staff has not yet been able to identify if the parcel has water or sewer services. Nesseth was not sure if the City would require separate water and sewer hookup for each dwelling that was constructed. Nesseth stated that this could be a large expense to dig into Mill Street for water and sewer service lines. Nesseth stated that upon further review the asking price of $30,700 would need to be less for him to proceed. Nesseth asked about how close to the easements that he could build and if the EDA would be willing to reduce pricing. Boulton stated that the City did not proceed with a variance to zoning, modifying the zoning ordinance, or creating a new zoning district for the small houses. Boulton had again recently spoken with the City Attorney regarding the zoning options. Gudknecht stated that storage units would be a good fit for the east portion of the parcel. Nesseth stated that access would still be a concern. Kittelson stated that there is a platted alley that could be accessed from 2nd Street E or West Avenue. Kittelson stated that the water and sewer service line installation would be relatively inexpensive, the road repair is where the expense would come in. Holmes stated that the size and shape of the parcel makes it difficult to develop, fitting with the current zoning and elevations. Kittelson stated that the parcel could be portioned off and the west side of the lot developed, and the east side be given to the adjoining property owners or left vacant for green space. The EDA agreed to look at options with Nesseth, to be discussed at a future meeting.


Resolution 23-06 - Approving the 2023 EDA Portion of the Wanamingo City Audit. Kittelson moved to approve, seconded by Musselman. Administrator Boulton went over the EDA accounts of importance, including 251 EDA, 306 (Cenex Industrial Park), 331 (Cenex 4th Bond Fund), and 604 (Medical Center). Boulton provided a memo on the audit. Funds ending 12/31/2023 balances and plans going forward for each fund. Administrator Boulton presented Smith Schafer & Associates PowerPoint presentation for the EDA centered funds as well. Boulton shared concerns regarding the Medical Center as it owes the general fund $34,441 at the end of 2023. Boulton stated that the Medical Center should cash flow with all four suites being occupied and collecting rent. Passed 6-0-0.


There being no further business Kittelson made a motion seconded by Fritz to adjourn the EDA meeting at 6:34PM. Approved 6-0-0.

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Brian Gudknecht, President Michael Boulton, Director